Call for Research Proposals 2020: Ochanomizu Students Research at NTNU
Application Guidelines

INTPART-IGS project, operated by the Institute for Gender Studies Ochanomizu University in collaboration with the Center for Gender Research at NTNU, is counducting a research training programme in Norway.
We would like to invite graduate students of Ochanomizu University to join
the programme. Please read the application guidelines below. This programme
provides an excellent opportunity to conduct research at an overseas institution.
We are looking forward to your application.
INTPART ‘Norway-Japan: Bridging Research and Education in Gender Equality
and Diversity(NJ_BREGED)’ conducts a student exchange programme to promote
international comparative research by junior scholars, based on the aims
of the project which are to conduct international comparative research
on gender and diversity in Japan and Norway, and develop a research education
programme at the NTNU and Ochanomizu University graduate schools.
Support to be provided
Funding for travel expenses
- Amount will be calculated according to the prescribed rules of the INTPART-IGS
- Payment will be made after travel.
- Cannot be combined with other travel support funds.
Support at NTNU
- Advice and supervision by NTNU professors.
- Introducing NTNU researchers from relevant fields and institutions to
visit for research.
- Access to NTNU research resources.
Support in practical matters
- Travel preparation advice.
- Paperwork assistance.
Responsibility of participants
- Conducting research as a member of an international project with requisite
official responsibilities.
- Submission of a report after the fieldwork in Norway (in English, free
format, A4 paper 2 pages).
- Contribution to other NJ_BREGED activities: annual seminar and workshop,
student exchange events etc.
Applicant eligibility
Enrolled at the graduate school of Ochanomizu University (not on a leave
of absence) or registered as a postdoctoral researcher at Ochanomizu University
when travelling to Norway.
Period of visiting Norway
- About one month during the academic year 2020.
- After the beginning of the new academic year at NTNU is recommended.
[Reference] NTNU Academic Calendar
Prospected number of participants
Screening criteria
Feasibility of proposed research project and sufficient skills in the English
language to conduct research independently (no need to submit any certificate).
[Reference] English requirement for international student at NTNU: TOEFL
iBT 90 or TOEFL PBT 600 or IELTS 6.5
Note on research ethics
Your research in Norway must satisfy the guidelines for researchers and
code of research ethics of Ochanomizu University. Research involving human
subjects must obtain approval from the Ochanomizu University Research Ethics
Review Committee beforehand.
[Reference] Research ethics webpage on Ochanomizu University website (in Japanese)
Schedule and other information
- Submission period: from 23 January to 21 February, 2020
- Result notification: the middle of March
- Application form: research proposal (up to two pages, submit without English proofreading for an examination
of proficiency in English)
- Submission method: email
- Screening process: submitted proposal and interview